Twelve (12) Business Ideas You Can Start with 500 Cedis


Are you looking to start a business but have a limited budget? With just 500 cedis, there are several business ideas that you can explore. In this blog, we will discuss twelve business ideas that you can start with a small investment and grow into successful ventures.

1. Freelance Services:

Have you considered offering your skills as a freelancer? Whether it's writing, graphic design, social media management, or web development, there are various freelance opportunities that require minimal investment.

2. Homemade Snack Business:

You can start a small homemade snack business, such as selling popcorn, chin-chin, or cookies. With 500 cedis, you can purchase ingredients and packaging materials to get started.

3. Mobile Phone Accessories:

Consider selling mobile phone accessories such as phone cases, screen protectors, and chargers. Look for wholesale deals to maximize your budget.

4. Cleaning Services:

Offer cleaning services to local businesses or residential areas. Invest in basic cleaning supplies and promote your services within your community.

5. Event Planning:

Start an event planning service for small events and gatherings. Use your creativity and organizational skills to offer affordable packages.

6. Tutoring Services:

If you excel in a particular subject, consider offering tutoring services to students in your area. Advertise your services through word of mouth and social media.

7. Car Wash Business:

Invest in car washing equipment and offer your services to neighbors and local car owners. A simple yet profitable business idea.

8. Secondhand Clothing Sales:

Explore the market for secondhand clothing and resell them at a profit. Thrift shopping can be a great way to find affordable inventory.

9. Pet Sitting and Dog Walking:

If you're an animal lover, consider offering pet sitting and dog walking services in your neighborhood. This requires minimal investment and can be a fun venture.

10. Homemade Beauty Products:

Create and sell homemade beauty products such as soaps, body scrubs, or candles. Research recipes and invest in quality ingredients.

11. Gardening Services:

Offer gardening services to individuals or businesses in need of maintaining their outdoor spaces. Invest in basic gardening tools and build your client base.

12. Personalized Crafts:

Utilize your creative skills to make personalized crafts such as custom mugs, greeting cards, or jewelry. Market your products through social media and local craft fairs.


Starting a business with 500 cedis may seem challenging, but with the right idea and determination, it is possible to turn a small investment into a successful venture. Consider your skills, interests, and target market when choosing the right business idea for you. With dedication and hard work, your 500 cedis could be the start of something great. Good luck!

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